my first cli project

top 10 futbol teams of all time

Tinder for Soccer Rosters

I will be starting my first collaborative project this next week, and as of now I would just like to talk about the concept for it. A soccer buddy of mine that is a senior dev thought of the idea, and thought it would be a fun project for us to do for my portfolio. I really like the idea because i can see it being used with the adult soccer community in the future. So here it goes: We want to to have a tinder like platform that allows captains to pick soccer player from a database based on certain parameters (age, position, formation, skill, etc).

Must know Dev Console Tricks

One of my biggest struggles during my career transition has been debugging. Although it has been a huge struggle, it is something I really enjoy doing because it really gives a different perspective on my code and where I have gone wrong. A big learning experience, having said that, Ive gotten a chance to have a lot of fun with the dev console. I would like to talk about some tricks with the dev console that you may or may not know that are very helpful.

HTML Canvas #3 HSL

If you have never heard of HSL, head to the website: HSL is basically the rainbow, but you can programatically chose random parts of the rainbow. the Hue part of HSL is from red to red, S is for saturation basically how bright it is, and L for lightness so white to black.

HTML Canvas #2

Lets finish up our drawing board. So up to this point we have pretty much all the basic ground work except our actual lines. So we want to call beginPath, moveTo, and lineTo on ctx to start the line but it will not actually show up until you call stroke. See below:

HTML Canvas

This week I created a fun and simple drawing board using HTML . Canvas is only a container, so JS must be written in order to actually do the drawing. By default canvas has no border. See below for my default markup: