I am now done with Flatiron’s bootcamp and I am very excited, but also extremely motivated to keep going. These past 6 months have been filled with a lot of late nights and stressful days. They’ve been filled wtih a lot of exciting moments after finally figuring out a problem after hours of looking at the screen. They’ve been filled with a lot of zoom calls that lead us (students) to not only help each other, but also maybe making a friend or two. I dont think I ever paid more attention to the “bootcamp” part of the name of this program more than I have in the last few days reminiscing on my experience here. The program was packed with a lot of material and experience in a very short period of time, and now I know what it taught me and what it means for me moving forward.
For my last project I decided to build a website dedicated to all the the people who either cant afford a gym membership, or just dont have the time to attend the gym in a regular basis.
This is an app that will allow users to exchange items for events (like holloween) at will. It’s pretty simple, you enter what you want, what you are willing to offer to other, wait for someone to is interested, and meet up!
I learned so much making this project. I fell a little behind after my sinatra project and might have rushed through some lessons. Every project to this point has been a huge learning experience, but for me this one has been the biggest. Reasoning through some of the things that I was really stuck, and spending several hours talking to fonsi and mikie about things that we didnt understand was of incredible help in helping me understand Rails. Although we have done these things past for each other, I walked in on this project with a cloudy understanding of what I needed to do. I felt like we have laid down a good foundation of thinking a certain way, of problem solving that I was able to tap into.
I decided to build an app that would allow a gym to let its trainers create, read, edit, and delete courses (classes) that they would like to offer. To create a course the user is asked to provide the name, description, and price for the course.