Into the Tech Workneverse

Posted by edras vallecillo on June 19, 2020

6 months ago I wondered what it would be like to be like in the shoes of a Flatiron graduate. Now i wonder what we all go through, what do we have to go through to get a job?

I graduated 2 months ago and decided to declare until the end to get the best chance at getting the best chance at getting a job within the covid window. Going from a very technical career to another has its its tricky situcations, everyone wants to know what you did before and wants what youll do with that in the future. In reality, Ruby and JS are a great passage into my future. I have written 5 blongs previously, mostly pertaining to the great things I’ve accomplished in the program and the things I want to accomplish moving forward.

I am currently completing a 30 in 30. 30 small JS vanilla projects in 30 days. I want to make sure I master JS moving forward, it seems like applying myself into once practice is much more efficient then thrying to accomplish many different things at once. Flatiron didnt only teach me to rely on the resources around me, but the resources around those. One of the most important things i learned is community, which i want want to implement in each one of my app moving forward.

The most recent application I have worked on is a drum kit. A website where you can press down a set of keys and plays certain sounds depending on the keys pressed. It is well animated with proper CSS . It is an enterataining site for the first 120 secongs but then you want more, the more is what I am going for. I want to build thing that keep my audience wanting more, and that keep me wanting to giving them more.

I will be blogging about small projects that showcase different skills, and will allow me practice and master JS from beginnnign to end. My first App allows you to play the “drums”, specific keys allow you to play different sounds.