Thankful for...

Posted by edras vallecillo on April 9, 2020

I dont like writting, I’m not very good at it, but I think blogging is something i want to keep doing as it helps me practice talking about what I’ve learned, and technical language. This last blog for flatiron I want to dedicate it to the people and things (not school related) that helped me graduate.

First, soccer. It gave me a nice “out” in terms of breathing after stressful times. Having something that allowed me to step out of the house 3 or 4 times a week to breath, and do something I absolutely love was huge. I gave me the opportunity to keep my mind fresh and decompress. I would recommend this to everyone, just having something to forces you out of this bubble. You want to be able to stay honed in and focused through the program, but you also want to make sure the stress doesn’t consume you.

Maritza, my mother. She is my hero. There is nothign she has ever shied away from. She has always encouraged me to try new things and push myself, and this was no exception. She was a big cheerleader for me from the beginning, and I really couldnt have gotten through this without her immense support.

Last but not least, my wife. She was absolutely incredible. This was a long conversation last year as to when it would be a good time to do this, and she never felt like this was a bet. She always felt like this was I wanted to do and she always felt like I would eventually excel at it. Although I wouldn’t say that I am the best coder I can be out of this, I have the tools I need to be. She was the first person to keep me accountable when I needed it, and was also the first person to cheer me on when I deserved it. Through the course of the program I faced a loss and sickness, and when it seemed just too difficult, she was my inspiration.

Thank you <3